Trafford updates

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Re: Trafford updates

Post by andy » 29 Mar 2015, 17:12

You should know by now that certain people on here decide YOUR level of expectation for you. If you say one true word that doesn't tally with their view, the same old crap is meted out. Yet during the season THEY are the ones rambling on about play offs and promotion, yet WE are the ones supposedly expecting it. It all just makes me laugh.

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Re: Trafford updates

Post by dalevillain » 29 Mar 2015, 17:21

Yeltz27 wrote:
dalevillain wrote:
I personally agree with Raiden, apart from calling people c**** which was uncalled for, everything else he has said has been spot on.

As for being 'realistic' - what did you expect this season? Did you think we should have won the league? Remained unbeaten throughout the entire season? Or did you expect us just to stay up?

Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but take a step back and think....where the club was 3 or 4 years ago to where it is now, to where it potentially could go in the next few years. On and off the pitch the club has come on leaps and bounds and there is such a feel good factor around the place these days.

Ok, the club might not be where you want them to be and maybe it's still not like it was in the 90's etc. but when you look back at the M*s*n years it's a damn sight better now.

Maybe just think about that....
This is where it gets absurd. Where have I once said I expected us to win the league, or go the whole season unbeaten, or that I would just be happy for the team to stay up?

I think we could have done a bit better yes, with one or two adjustments. That isn't me overly criticising anybody. It's simply what I think. I do feel the step up isn't as big as many have said on here and I personally thought that the play offs should have been realistic. Many on here decided 50 pts was great etc. It was. But there will be plenty of fans paying their entry fees who might think 50 pts wasn't enough and wanted to push on for more. But because the majority on here said 50 points was wonderful everybody has to agree. I repeat, 50 pts was good but it could have been better

No I don't live in the past either. We have had better teams than this but anybody reading this forum would think this team is the best we have ever had at the Grove
That's fair enough, I hear what you're saying.

For me, I don't think the club is quite ready for promotion yet, not this season anyway. I think it was crucial just to stabilise ourselves in this league this season. I agree that once we reached the 50pts we could have looked to have progressed. Unfortunately it hasn't happened and the last few weeks results have been disappointing. But still believe it's been a good season, and equally as important the club is growing off the pitch as well which is pleasing to see.

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Re: Trafford updates

Post by andy » 29 Mar 2015, 17:23

One other thing I would like to know is how people on here are privy to other clubs finances. We are constantly told that we are batting above our level because we cannot match others finances. All I am aware of is our crowds are higher than most others and I vaguely know of our financial stance on what comes in versus what goes out. But who the hell knows what goes on at Ramsbottom or Whitby? Maybe we are batting at a higher level but how do people on here know?

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Re: Trafford updates

Post by mrc » 29 Mar 2015, 17:55

Good point raised by andy. It is constantly mentioned that we have one of the smallest budgets in the league. It would be interesting to know how far behind all these other teams we really are in terms of budget. Certainly in crowd terms we are currently in the top 4 with only FCUM way ahead of our gates.

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Re: Trafford updates

Post by KenR » 29 Mar 2015, 18:51

Perhaps our small budget talk is the excuse why we consistantly sign lower level players or are n't up to this standard and add little to the team. The one player, Jake Jones, signed from the same level , and who you'd expect to be on higher wages, did n't last long did he ?

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Re: Trafford updates

Post by juanillo » 29 Mar 2015, 18:57

andy wrote:One other thing I would like to know is how people on here are privy to other clubs finances. We are constantly told that we are batting above our level because we cannot match others finances. All I am aware of is our crowds are higher than most others and I vaguely know of our financial stance on what comes in versus what goes out. But who the hell knows what goes on at Ramsbottom or Whitby? Maybe we are batting at a higher level but how do people on here know?
I agree and a point I've raised before. We get around double the gate money of several clubs such as Ashton, Skelmersdale, Barwell and Rushall and more than most. So unless the others have wealthy benefactors or significant income from off the field activities or our outgoings are notably higher, I don't think we can be perceived as necessarily punching above our weight.

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Re: Trafford updates

Post by Washy002 » 29 Mar 2015, 19:37

I've played against raiden... And I agree... He knows nothing about football... Kicked me in the knee ;-)

I am of course joking!!

I think as Yeltz fans (something we all have in common) we need to be a little nicer to each other!! I am an "oldie" in terms of years watching Halesowen (18 now out of 26 being alive!!) but was a child for most of them so could be classed as a "newbie".

We all have differing opinions and they need to be respected. I think the issue raiden is (and I don't agree with calling people c***s either)... Is some people only post when we have lost or drawn. I don't think raiden and others are only positive... They moan as well but have more constructive criticism rather than just criticism.

I think yesterday was a good entertaining game and we played well apart from the finishing (which is obviously important as scoring wins games)... So looking at it in a positive way... We created chances and played well. Looking at it more black and white... We should of won!

Yes we have one of the biggest gates but we don't have someone pumping money in like other clubs. I also know (from talking to other clubs directors etc) that we do have one of the lowest budgets... Maybe this is something we can bring up at the next fans forum (if one gets organised)

I'm the meantime... Can we try and be nice... We are after all... All Yeltz fans (some new, some old) and we all want our team to do well!!

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Re: Trafford updates

Post by Noggin » 29 Mar 2015, 19:55

I am always very sceptical about believing any figure quoted for a playing budget, what ever the source simply because there a variety of motives for giving a misleading figure: wanting to disguise poor performance on a high budget, wanting to downplay expectations as to wages, want to give the impression of over achieving on a poor budget when actually the team is paying full whack.

If anyone believes most of the figures quoted, then I have a very nice bridge in London for sale

Even if the figure quoted is correct, there are so many variable around the figure; net of tax or gross, include or exclude management staff, how many contract players who have to be paid but are not available eg injured, suspended.

Also, in any club there will be a very small number who know the details, but a significantly larger number who claim to know the details - and are almost certainly wrong

Basically, there are so many factors involved, the picture will always be as clear as an unclear things

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Re: Trafford updates

Post by RobYeltz » 29 Mar 2015, 20:25

Some very good posts on here this afternoon.

I think that Halesowen have done a great job in this division overall, it's a shame it has tailed off a little in recent weeks and it would be nice to see us finish strongly.

The players have done superbly in my opinion and give their all for the shirt, the closeness of them as a unit is a massive factor as to why we are a resilient hard working side. The point made about Jake Jones is an interesting one, he was on a good wedge at Kings Lynn and supposedly took a cut to join us as he was sick of the traveling. The niggling injuries he had didn't help him and he's gone back there and scored on his second debut without a sign of an injury. I can't imagine he's gone back there for less money...

The signing players from lower level clubs is an interesting point, it's served John well in the past and there is no reason to suggest it won't continue to work in the future, but I have commented myself we could do with a couple of players in the team who are making the step down to help the team out too. Whether John has that money, who knows?

The crowds again is an interesting point, currently we're only behind FC, Kings Lynn and the same as Stourbr*dge. We should go above Stour when they visit us on Easter Monday. I do know though that other clubs generate good money from their social clubs that are open every day as well as on match days. Again, as noggin suggested we don't what other clubs are doing really!

Washy002 makes probably the best point though, we all want the team to do well, we all want the club to move forwards, we're all Yeltz fans. Let's respect each others views and opinions and try and get behind the lads in the remaining games.
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Re: Trafford updates

Post by Washy002 » 29 Mar 2015, 20:29

Can I just say that I don't necessarily believe other clubs budgets but as we all can... Only go on what I've been told

Oh and thanks Rob :-)

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