Nuneaton Updates

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Re: Nuneaton Updates

Post by Rich » 08 Nov 2023, 19:57

The problem as I see it is we have no-one up front who can head the ball.
We have an abundance of players who have the ability to get to the by line a put in crosses but no one to put it away.
Teams know this so just sit back and we have then to try and play through them. problem is recently when we do get through we cant put the ball away.
Think we only scored 1 header all season and that more of a glancing header at Bromsgrove if i recall?
We have posed no threat from corners or free kicks despite Wynter and Morris being good headers of the ball
I have thought all season how poor Hickman's crosses are.
Cant fault the effort last night though I felt we misses Haywards energy.
Didnt think either Mitchell or Redfern added anything in their new positions and Mitchell seemed lost at times.

Hopefully Saturday will see us return to winning ways

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