Market Drayton Updates!

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Re: Market Drayton Updates!

Post by rubens » 22 Mar 2014, 20:09

Well done again lads , you can only beat what's in front of you , and today MD didn't offer a lot , not one shot on target from open play in 90 minutes.
Two great crosses and two of the sweetest volleys you will see. As for our defence , they never broke sweat what a solid confident performance off them all .
Have to agree with above post about ref , card happy for a while and if he hadn't calmed it could have ended up 9 a side

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Re: Market Drayton Updates!

Post by HalesowenHarry » 22 Mar 2014, 20:13

Was I at the same chuffing game? Danks set the first two up, and was the little bit of class in a game that seriously lacked it

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Re: Market Drayton Updates!

Post by RobYeltz » 22 Mar 2014, 21:04

Apart from the obvious 3pts that we needed the other thing I thought was important to get from today was a clean sheet, and we got it, with relative ease. Sarge never really had much to do in the way of saves, but I thought he dealt well with the few crosses that came into the area. I think they targeted Asa as the weak link and tried to exploit him early on, but as ever, he was dependable and strong and certainly wasn't our weakest link.
I think our midfield took a while to settle, understandable really with two new(ish) players in there. Danks was industrious down the right, and his cross for the opening goal was sublime, and Aaron's finish was equally as good thumping the ball past the keeper on the volley.
At half time we were very much in the driving seat, with our two main contenders in the league both drawing, an early goal was needed and although it didn't come, it wasn't for the lack of effort as we picked up the pace a gear. Only the niggly fouls and picky referee I thought spoilt our momentum at times. The second goal I thought was indicative of this team, Ben chasing a ball that looked like it was going out, putting in a super cross and a finish on the volley from Aaron of great quality. For those not there to see it, he hit the ball in mid air on the volley, on the instep and placed it back across the keeper. The third settled the nerves more than anything.
With Tonksy soon back to full fitness and Forde back after suspension we have some real strength in depth in midfield, add to this Danks who can play upfront (and Penney) we really couldn't be much stronger for the final run in. I don't know if the additions of Botfield and Danks will be enough to see us get promoted, but well done to all concerned for getting them in to give it a go. Irrespective of where we finish we know these players, the manager, coaches and management team are giving it everything.
Another great turn out from the Yeltz faithful though, shame we were all a bit too spread out to get the singing going though!
Two away games for Lutley, this season - two wins. Can someone kidknapp him and take him to Sheffield?

Thanks once again to JohnC 'Kettley', for the limo service
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The artist previously known as AVFCYELTZ

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Re: Market Drayton Updates!

Post by beastyyeltz » 23 Mar 2014, 21:24

Really enjoyed my first away game yesterday! Weren't the best of games but it was a strong solid performance against a team that never looked to threaten us and also didn't know how to deal with us when we we're on the attack. They struggled to get out of the starting blocks and only had a couple of chances which Sargeant was more than capable of dealing with.

I thought nearly all the team were superb yesterday. Griffiths worked his socks off and scored two cracking goals, the second being a cracker. Dansk had a brilliant debut and really challenged on the wing and looked very threatening. Botfield had a very good game too, he played some excellent passes and put in some good tackles. Green, who has my man of the match, looked sharp and dangerous. He had yet again a fantastic game. Charlton, Christie, Hull and Mackenzie were fantastic too. Haseley was quiet to begin with but he superbly set up the first goal and was there at the right time and in the right place for the third goal. He picked up a lot after that and normal service resumed.

Great support for yesterday, but it was a shame there were so few MDT fans. It was a nice ground in a nice surrounding, but if we took a quarter of the fans we took it would be dead and lifeless. It's a shame really.

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