Coalville Updates

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Re: Coalville Updates

Post by RobYeltz » 15 Jan 2014, 22:27

swipey wrote:I don't know how pointing out individual errors can help out the opposition. There's always been some sort of forum etiquette where it's taboo to not name and shame yet we're quick to do it on the terraces.
I got vilified for slating Craig Milligan last season and frankly I don't regret it because he deserved it even though we all kissed and made up after.
If we've got a shit player, I'll voice it because nobody wants Halesowen to do well more than me and I'm not spending my hard-earned for one attention whore to spoil it all.
How you follow the team is up to you, it's your choice, as you say you pay your money so you're entitled to your opinion and how you show it. The point I was making about 'helping the opposition' really was, if for example Matt Sargeant was to read what is on here or on some social networking sites it's going to play on his already fragile confidence. His decision making could be influenced if he has doubts and as a result our team suffers. Hopefully he's a strong enough character to put in a man of the match performance on Saturday.
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Re: Coalville Updates

Post by JohnC » 16 Jan 2014, 13:27

andy wrote:we are currently in a position where we probably don't deserve to be
We have the points because the players and management have won them.
It is a points game.
Yes it is not over until the end of the season when the whistle is blown.

I can't comment on Scarborough game as not there buit was for LEEK and Coalville an dthose two occassions we were not the better team over 90 minutes.

However it is over the season and all games.

I think our team DESERVE to be where they are. With continued hard work, battling performances no reason why we can't stay there.

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Re: Coalville Updates

Post by RaidenYeltz » 16 Jan 2014, 14:05

I think we more than deserve to be at the top and I believe we have the quality to stay there.

Once Ben's back firing on all fronts coupled with Lait's return we'll be ok.

We've got talent all over the pitch. Green and Hull are two great defenders so are Tilt and Asa (Meacham if he's back properly?) for that matter.

I do worry about creativity in the middle though but when you've got players like Tonks who run a million miles or game then you're onto something. As frustrating as Gueyes is he's a talent and a threat.

Then you get up top, obviously Ben is probably the best in the league. Christie is such a great player aswell.

When it all boils down I seriously believe we've got a good 5-6 players who can walk into any side in this league. Then you couple the quality we have with the desire and work rate these players show every single week and we are a damn good side.

We keep clean sheets when we have a settled back 4 we can score goals with Ben so I don't get the 'negative' comments about 'not being the best in the league' and 'there are better teams than us'. We are where we are now because we grind out results, we EARN points.

We don't deserve to be where we are and we're not good enough...absolute rubbish.

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Re: Coalville Updates

Post by lutleyyeltz » 16 Jan 2014, 15:51

andy wrote:Two words, REALITY CHECK. We are a good side, having a good season. Unfortunately we are currently in a position where we probably don't deserve to be and we are expecting the team to live up to that. Yes i know we've accumulated the points to be there but there are probably 3 far better equipped sides to win the league than us. And all 3 have already taken us to the cleaners. If we can finish in the play offs i think it will be a massive achievement and we will have to accept we may get a few more lessons yet.
Andy, your opening sentence sums it up. We are a very good side but, as you point out, we aren't quite there yet.
A great season so far and long may it continue.

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Re: Coalville Updates

Post by andy » 16 Jan 2014, 18:02

God some people love to take things out of context! You must be able to see by the tone of my post that i am more than happy with the way things are going. All i have said is there are better teams, that's not a critisism of us!!! Does anyone on here think we are better than the three below us?

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Re: Coalville Updates

Post by RaidenYeltz » 16 Jan 2014, 18:33

Not one fan of any team can say who's the best team in the league. Simple fact is no one sees any other team play more than twice.

We've seen Coalville once and Leek once. How can one come to the conclusion they're the two best when you seldom see them play?

I do think comments like 'we don't deserve to be where we are' are completely wide of the mark and really disrespectful of John Hill and the playing staff.

We have a good side, a management team who work extremely hard on scouting out opposition and players who give their all when playing.

We are good enough to win this league. We have quality to win games. It is all in our hands still.

I can't comment on whether the three bellow us are better but we are top and that's what counts. And we deserve it.

One bad result doesn't make or break a team. It's over the course of 42 games which decide our fate not one game.

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Re: Coalville Updates

Post by lutleyyeltz » 16 Jan 2014, 19:33

RaidenYeltz wrote:
I do think comments like 'we don't deserve to be where we are' are completely wide of the mark and really disrespectful of John Hill and the playing staff.
How on earth can Andy's post, in any way shape or form, be deemed "disrespectful"? ???
It is a realistic viewpoint of how he sees the season thus far!

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Re: Coalville Updates

Post by KenR » 16 Jan 2014, 19:53

I'd like to know , Raiden, how many of the players who played for us on Tuesday, would walk into the Coalville side who played against us or indeed the Leek side who thrashed us earlier in the season. Perhaps a couple of defenders, Ben when he's fit, but I think very little else.

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Re: Coalville Updates

Post by RobYeltz » 16 Jan 2014, 20:23

I think the big difference between the sides was the quality throughout the teams. As I mentioned in my earlier comments on the game we had two or three players who didn't perform well enough on the day (or night). Every single one of their players looked a yard sharper and they played well as a team. You can't beat well organised, hard working teams with ability like Coalville when you are carrying players.
It's nothing worth worrying about, I'm sure we'll bounce back on Saturday. The management have done a great job so far, but we have a way to go to be at the level Coalville are. I quite like the fact we have something still to aspire to despite being top. The team have made massive progress and are continuing to make progress, we have a lot of players making the step up to this level and are young enough to improve.
Let's not become all precious about it, we're moving forwards well and we'll be at the end of the season where we deserve to be.
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Re: Coalville Updates

Post by RaidenYeltz » 16 Jan 2014, 20:35

He actually said we don't deserve to be where we are? How can it be construed differently? Either way I find it a strange comment considering.

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