
Discussion regarding Ex-Yeltz-Players and where they are now...
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Laurel Lane Lamper
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Post by Laurel Lane Lamper » 03 Oct 2011, 18:25

Not very active on forum lately but regularly seen loitering around Barton-under-Needwood Marina ;)

Good to see you again, Paul :)

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Re: Westyeltz

Post by andy » 04 Oct 2011, 18:01

Yes, get your arse back on here!!!

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Re: Westyeltz

Post by Westyeltz » 07 Oct 2011, 12:14

What's with this 'Paul' business Charles?

Very few people (Mum & Dad) call me that.

To long time friends, Westy is just fine :-)

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Re: Westyeltz

Post by Westyeltz » 07 Oct 2011, 12:54


I have been missing, you're right. And I've missed seeing the likes of you, Big Rog and Even Bigger Dave!
Really, I have. Good honest blokes. God bless you all.

Sadly, I have had my football stuffing knocked out of me over the last few years by the arseholes who have supposedly owned this fine club - may their souls rot in hell, covered in creosote to make the agony last just a little bit longer.

There are some very fine football people at HTFC and long may that continue.

I was at the game on Saturday and really enjoyed it. I went with my Dad and his long time mate Jeff, both pushing eighty, both somewhat fragile and both long time Yeltz fans. I've watched football since the age of 6 with my Dad and treasure great memories and still enjoy being at a game with him - happy, sad, but mostly, hugely amusing memories. Mostly with The Town, some with The Wolves. But always with football.

Who do M**s*n and Thingrams think they are to attempt to destroy such a wonderful Father / Son relationship?

FIFA spend all of their time bleating on about racist chanting, match fixing, player wages, etc.
What about us? And the w***ers who try to take away our Clubs for their own imaginary personal gain? When, oh when, will FIFA do something good for the life blood of football and rid NL football of the likes of Thingrams / M**s*n?
When Sky TV goes bust? Sometime never then.

I will be back again at The Grove, hopefully soon, but there are a huge number of people who have 'lost the habit' of going to a match on a Saturday / Tuesday.
The missing masses return? A good cup run should do it.

Anyway, enough ranting.

See you soon,


PS - Following my rabid Tayterbally rant, I really should wish Steve, Sean and the team the very best of luck :)

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Re: Westyeltz

Post by Westyeltz » 08 Oct 2011, 12:43

Laurel Lane Lamper wrote:Not very active on forum lately but regularly seen loitering around Barton-under-Needwood Marina ;)

Good to see you again, Paul :)
How very dare you! I was not loitering, unusually for me I was trying to do some work, but got accosted by daytrippers with their candy floss, Mr Whippys and Kiss Me Quick hats :)

Likewise Charles, it was a very pleasant surprise to see you and Sue.

Speak soon, at a football ground near you.

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Re: Westyeltz

Post by Westyeltz » 08 Oct 2011, 12:43

Laurel Lane Lamper wrote:Not very active on forum lately but regularly seen loitering around Barton-under-Needwood Marina ;)

Good to see you again, Paul :)

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Re: Westyeltz

Post by YeltzDoc » 08 Oct 2011, 13:07

A couple of days of activity and the old "blue box" trouble crops up again...

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Re: Westyeltz

Post by Westyeltz » 08 Oct 2011, 15:25

YeltzDoc wrote:A couple of days of activity and the old "blue box" trouble crops up again...
Stuff you! Thats the way I like it baby :)

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Re: Westyeltz

Post by pantverdant2 » 13 Apr 2021, 09:41

Westyeltz wrote:
07 Oct 2011, 12:54

I have been missing, you're right. And I've missed seeing the likes of you, Big Rog and Even Bigger Dave!
Really, I have. Good honest blokes. God bless you all.

Sadly, I have had my football stuffing knocked out of me over the last few years by the arseholes who have supposedly owned this fine club - may their souls rot in hell, covered in creosote to make the agony last just a little bit longer.

There are some very fine football people at HTFC and long may that continue.

I was at the game on Saturday and really enjoyed it. I went with my Dad and his long time mate Jeff, both pushing eighty, both somewhat fragile and both long time Yeltz fans. I've watched football since the age of 6 with my Dad and treasure great memories and still enjoy being at a game with him - happy, sad, but mostly, hugely amusing memories. Mostly with The Town, some with The Wolves. But always with football.

Who do M**s*n and Thingrams think they are to attempt to destroy such a wonderful Father / Son relationship?

FIFA spend all of their time bleating on about racist chanting, match fixing, player wages, etc.
What about us? And the w***ers who try to take away our Clubs for their own imaginary personal gain? When, oh when, will FIFA do something good for the life blood of football and rid NL football of the likes of Thingrams / M**s*n?
When Sky TV goes bust? Sometime never then.

I will be back again at The Grove, hopefully soon, but there are a huge number of people who have 'lost the habit' of going to a match on a Saturday / Tuesday.
The missing masses return?'' A good cup run'' should do it.

Anyway, enough ranting.

See you soon,


PS - Following my rabid Tayterbally rant, I really should wish Steve, Sean and the team the very best of luck :)
pantverdant2 writes in 2021 we finally had' a good cup run'' in season 2019-20-21...

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Re: Westyeltz

Post by pantverdant2 » 15 Apr 2021, 15:23

I've supported more charlatans,crooks,vagabonds,villains,and common or garden wretches than I care to mention in Football from a fatman who commited arson,to a director who posed as a medical officer and gave himself the title ''Doctor'' at a then first division club.

Let me come clean most people with money have done something wrong ,whether it is tax avoidance or lying through their teeth about gambling
debts or posing like the late DHE as a medic over all if you are honest 51% of the time or economic with the truth 100% of the time someone,somewhere
will forgive you.I have a great faith that one day I will meet Tom,Pat,Lewis.Kate and Herbert Douglas in the Sport's Pavilion in the Sky, until then I will
gamble moderately,have a glass of sparkling English and support Colin,Keith and Karen to the hilt.

I forgive M.M**s*n and Messrs. Ingram and Lynch,the Normansells and Tony Xia for what they did at B63 and B6 respectively and even the Bhatti brothers for what they did to Wolves but do I forgive Jeff Astle for that miss against Czechoslovakia in Mexico in 1970 no sodding way. >:D

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