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Pulling a sickie

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 09:56
by Capinjazz
Surely there is no excuse for players to call in sick!
(according to match updates)

Re: Pulling a sickie

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 10:26
by jack
In all fairness if it's genuine it can't be helped .. but we'll probably never find out one way or the other

Re: Pulling a sickie

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 13:57
by watsisnerm
jack wrote:In all fairness if it's genuine it can't be helped .. but we'll probably never find out one way or the other
genuine or not, im sure shaun will know and if need be take action against offending player(s). if there was a lack of respect to him,(and of course supporters and team mates) something would need to be seen to be done

Re: Pulling a sickie

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 15:46
by jack
totally agree...

Re: Pulling a sickie

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 17:45
by Steve Glass
One conspiracy theory might be that it explains why almost every forward we have played on Saturday, as someone knew that 3 of them couldn't play on Monday. With a bit of luck and a decent central defender (how long do we have to put up with a crap centre-half?), we might have got 3 points from the weekend. This might be a less reliable theory as I thought that was why Westwood and another player were seemingly fit but watching from the Harry Rudge stand on Saturday, obviously not now not resting for Monday, as they dont appear to be on the teamsheet at all.
Signing an emergency goalkeeper who then couldn't play in either match seemed strange too - but then things continue to be!

Re: Pulling a sickie

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 20:31
by JohnC
Steve (not sure whether yours is half empty or half full) Glass. Sorry could not resist.

Shooting your theory down one made contact wee hours of Monday and two Monday morning.

Mr Westwood was not one of the three above but was not there.

What ever, why should we keep turning up at home and supporting paying their wages if the can't be bothered.
Also we must have one of the biggest away followings in this league, not comparing the clubs in the Bristol \M4 corridor who have a lot more local derbys than us.

Message to PLAYERS, turn up, shape up or ship out !!!

What ever the recent past history the fans, club and manager do not deserve this attitude.

Re: Pulling a sickie

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 09:06
by munchkin3

Re: Pulling a sickie

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 10:56
by Capinjazz
I agree that we need a good (or even average) central defender.

How many goals just at home via penalty or a cock up have we given away!

Re: Pulling a sickie

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 11:59
by Steve Glass
Thanks for the extra info guys. To John C I reckon that I am half full most of the time, with increasing bouts of 'half empty' on certain windy Saturdays in Halesowen!
Completely agree that the owner, manager, his team and yes, us regular supporters deserve more. Whatever happened to the days when players desperately wanted to play football? Where has all the enthusiasm gone, apart from those on the first line of this paragraph.
Notice that no-one has yet claimed the 'hospitality/sponsorship raffle prize', which adds to the jokes about not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of 9 friends and clients.

Re: Pulling a sickie

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 17:01
by watsisnerm
im sure all this will be forgotten on saturday when the team show they do respect the supporters when they have a drink with us in the yeltz bar after theyve won the match