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New blokes.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 16:42
by lutleyyeltz

Re: New blokes.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 18:18
by andy
Yet 2 more from leagues below. I'm sure we must have way smashed the 50 mark now this season. A good 'signing' for me though is Jack Kelly pledging his immediate future to us.

Re: New blokes.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 20:33
by YeltzDoc
Do we think that the latest new blokes are more lower league punts signed for buttons, or are they the first of the upward swing, with a bit of money having been found from the new investors, even though the papers aren’t signed yet?

Re: New blokes.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 21:29
by piearce9
The rumour mill is cranking around this evening- Lee Hughes has left Worcester City’s joint manager post and could be on his way to us (as a player).

Whether we’ve got enough cash to afford their other joint manager is up for question. (Nothing to do with wage demands but lost balls over the shed end.)

Re: New blokes.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 23:37
by Spooky
Hughes has signed.

Not sure how I feel about him to be honest, his history does not sit well with me :-\

Re: New blokes.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 23:44
His history doesn’t sit well with me either I have to say. Not to happy about this :(

Re: New blokes.

Posted: 07 Mar 2018, 07:42
by piearce9
It’s a peculiar signing, and one I’m finding it hard to understand.

From a “new player” angle, it’s strange- he’s now 41 and only occasionally been pulling his boots on at Worcester.

From his perspective, he’s given up a managerial post at Worcester, who are chasing promotion, to lead our front line.

I will keep an open mind on all matters, but I can’t quite work out what’s in it for all parties?

Re: New blokes.

Posted: 07 Mar 2018, 07:45
by lutleyyeltz
Some conscience searching for me, also.
Attitudes change over time and, if he keeps us up......?

Re: New blokes.

Posted: 07 Mar 2018, 08:11
by YeltzDoc
It suggests that some cash has been found though.

Re: New blokes.

Posted: 07 Mar 2018, 08:53
by AwayDayYeltz
I’m not sure how to feel about this. Playing wise; he’s 41, so not sure what it’ll achieve and what he’ll have to offer. Name aside, we’ve just signed a 41 year old from two levels below. It’s hardly inspiring is it? I’m of the opinion he’s been brought in for a coaching role rather than a player role – but time will tell.

Reputation wise; We are already a club that has a recent past littered with unsavoury characters, some with a criminal history! This isn’t going to do that reputation any favours…

Supporter wise; I can this signing putting a number of fans off attending the Grove. Our support is already dwindling! The reaction on social media has been far from positive. Some comments are borderline angry.

As an Albion fan he was a boy hood hero of mine and I’d like think he has learned from his experience. I’m a believer that he should still be in prison, taking a life should mean a life in prison. But that is a justice system issue. Not Hughes’ issue. He’s done the crime and done the time, so the saying goes. I admire that since his release from prison he’s got his head down and worked hard in football, and earned a good living from it. Isn’t that the attitude we want from folk who are coming out of prison and re-entering society?

We are now in a very odd position in that we now have four managers (in their own right) at the club. Something must give? Can they all work together? What are the roles of Hill, Clarke, Sneekes and Hughes?

It’s all very strange and not the sort of news I was expecting from the club since the positive announcement of the new investors.