Club Crest Updated

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Re: Club Crest Updated

Post by RaidenYeltz » 12 May 2016, 22:19

dalevillain wrote:Big topic of conversation today regarding our new club crest on both social media and on here. Consensus on Twitter appears mainly positive, on Facebook and on here, not so much.

I'm going to go against the grain on here and say that personally I like the new crest. Is it as good as the old one? No, and I don't think it was the intention of the club for it to be. The new club badge is modern and refreshed although has that 'retro' look about it. It's smart and I like it.

Other clubs over the years have changed their badges ie. Villa, WBA, Man Utd, Man City etc. Football is an ever changing game and the club has to be attractive to other businesses and I do feel that the old crest was a bit dated so from a commercial point of view I can understand the change.

However I do agree with the point that maybe the fans should have been consulted or had some input into the change. As stated maybe if a few designs had been chosen and put to a vote with the most popular one being selected that may have been a better option.

However it's been done now and whilst some of us may not like It, it's what happens on the pitch which is the most important and if we can start the season on a positive note then I'm sure no-one will care what badge we've got on our shirts.

Just as a side note to club crests/badges, I've seen this design floating around in the past on different websites and oppositions programmes however do not recall it ever been used by ourselves at all. Does anyone know what era this badge was from?
Keep up Dale! I asked that question years ago! ;)

Via Old Git (Not you John C)
'It was a design for an enamel badge around the late eighties/early nineties I recall.
It was only the beginning of the internet age back then, and I think this was a design that was done on a system called jacquards if my memory is correct.It was done by a company called Soccer Souvenirs from Crawley who we used a lot for club shop stock in those days.'

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Re: Club Crest Updated

Post by RobYeltz » 12 May 2016, 22:36

When I first saw it I wasn't keen. I liked the old badge I like things traditional if you like. I'm not good with change. Particularly regarding the history of the badge.

However, I do like the round badge, and it does look a lot clearer on social media and in the world we live in today I guess that is important. As many know I'm one of the admins of the club social media pages and can say to people that the amount of correspondance the club gets through social media is high. We'll see soon whether it makes a difference.

By adding the year founded does acknowledge the clubs history also. I guess whatever the club does there'll always be those who don't agree, but please remember, all involved in this club do the best they can for it. Some of the criticism I've seen today about this I believe oversteps the mark. That said, it's got a lot of people talking about Halesowen Town which perhaps is a good thing.

It has grown on me I admit.
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Re: Club Crest Updated

Post by dalevillain » 12 May 2016, 23:15

RaidenYeltz wrote:
dalevillain wrote:Big topic of conversation today regarding our new club crest on both social media and on here. Consensus on Twitter appears mainly positive, on Facebook and on here, not so much.

I'm going to go against the grain on here and say that personally I like the new crest. Is it as good as the old one? No, and I don't think it was the intention of the club for it to be. The new club badge is modern and refreshed although has that 'retro' look about it. It's smart and I like it.

Other clubs over the years have changed their badges ie. Villa, WBA, Man Utd, Man City etc. Football is an ever changing game and the club has to be attractive to other businesses and I do feel that the old crest was a bit dated so from a commercial point of view I can understand the change.

However I do agree with the point that maybe the fans should have been consulted or had some input into the change. As stated maybe if a few designs had been chosen and put to a vote with the most popular one being selected that may have been a better option.

However it's been done now and whilst some of us may not like It, it's what happens on the pitch which is the most important and if we can start the season on a positive note then I'm sure no-one will care what badge we've got on our shirts.

Just as a side note to club crests/badges, I've seen this design floating around in the past on different websites and oppositions programmes however do not recall it ever been used by ourselves at all. Does anyone know what era this badge was from?
Keep up Dale! I asked that question years ago! ;)

Via Old Git (Not you John C)
'It was a design for an enamel badge around the late eighties/early nineties I recall.
It was only the beginning of the internet age back then, and I think this was a design that was done on a system called jacquards if my memory is correct.It was done by a company called Soccer Souvenirs from Crawley who we used a lot for club shop stock in those days.'
Lol ok, a thread from 2013 I apologise but I haven't got that much time on my hands to search back through every thread on the forum! :P - anyway I think that particular design for me ranks as the worst (yes even worse than the current one!) although not sure if it classes as being an official club badge of ours.

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Re: Club Crest Updated

Post by ZeeZee » 13 May 2016, 06:39

GREAT NEWS. I passed through Halesowen at 4am this morning. Contrary to what some would have us believe, the Church has had no building work carried out in the last few days, it's magnificent spire is intact and has not been replaced by a large paper hat.

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Re: Club Crest Updated

Post by RaidenYeltz » 13 May 2016, 07:17

I don't understand fully the over reaction. The church and year of foundation are represented. How is it doing away with tradition? Ok, so it's not an exact replica of the beautiful church in the town centre, but short of a detailed and marketable photo or drawing, nothing will resemble the church exactly.

In any case no one involved with the Yeltz is ignoring or washing away any tradition. Who, from Halesowen has said that?

I do understand why some would dislike a move away from the traditional badge, and I'm trying to respect that opinion, but some posts / comments are completely out of order and if I'm honest, some comments, a small minority mind, are borderlining a very childish overreaction!

I think it's easy to brush it off as 'just a badge' but remember the badge represents the club and ultimately the town. Which is why I'd understand a disappointment away from the traditional badge, but as I've said earlier in this post I think it fulfils the above criteria with the church, name of the town and year of our foundation - which are all represented in the new design.

Also bear in mind, the badge is used to advertise the club for sponsorship and investment, as well as use on clothing product for fans. I get the feeling if you show the new and old badge to neutrals, the majority would pick the new badge as it's certainly more modern looking and looks cleaner and more tidy.

Moving forward with the times to try and exploit the ever changing world of social media and commercial side of football isn't a move away from what is great about this club or its history.

I realise I'm classed as a newer fan to most on here, and to dismiss the new badge 'as created by new fans who don't care about our history', is offensive to me and presumably others who are new fans like me. I have nothing to do with the creation or design, I do feel in the same bracket as those tarred to the same brush of that comment.
Last edited by RaidenYeltz on 13 May 2016, 07:22, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Club Crest Updated

Post by andy » 13 May 2016, 07:20

ZeeZee wrote:GREAT NEWS. I passed through Halesowen at 4am this morning. Contrary to what some would have us believe, the Church has had no building work carried out in the last few days, it's magnificent spire is intact and has not been replaced by a large paper hat.
I am so relieved others are not happy about this. I don't care about digital, commercial or computer issues, I am fuming.

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Re: Club Crest Updated

Post by ZeeZee » 13 May 2016, 08:50

I am in total unison with you Andy, I don't have as much of a history around the club as you & others do but I find the new 'crest' and all the half arsed rhetoric & excuses that have come along with it as an insult. I don't buy all this digital boll**ks, people have reproduced the real club emblem on various products over many years without problem, this is change for changes sake, maybe someone feels the need to stamp their own mark upon the club for whatever reason?
Can't be arsed to get dragged into drawn out arguments as its like banging your head off a brick wall with a few on here so that's my bit said about it.

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Re: Club Crest Updated

Post by andy » 13 May 2016, 11:19

Raiden, I don't care about who's new or old around here, never have done, never will do. The one thing we all do when we start to follow a club though is we buy into the history. Were lucky we've got a history, imagine following MK Dons. Start changing highly relevant parts of that and you may as well erase the lot. That badge has nothing to do with the iconic church in the town, whereas the original is a splendid representation with a very original lind of foreground. It really is a one of its kind. Notice I said IS and not WAS. I will fight this to the bitter end. Any who feel the same feel free to join me.

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Re: Club Crest Updated

Post by andy » 13 May 2016, 11:35

Could somebody please inform me if the new season ticket will have this generic paper hat on it to save me a wasted journey tomorrow.

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Re: Club Crest Updated

Post by Noggin » 13 May 2016, 11:39

What is significant is that no one has stated any benefit of change. So if something has worked previously and has not attracted adverse comment then why change it? Lets face it, if the old one did not work, then folks would have been quick enough to moan!

Taking emotion out of the equation, I'm not usually against change that has some identifiable benefit, but I fail to see any benefit to this. Therefore it change that is hacking people off in an emotive area for no reason. Bad business sense.

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